

The sky is dark as thunder rumbles slowly in the distance.  Rain is coming, and rain has been here, and I wonder for a moment if rain will ever leave.  This is summer and I enjoy it.  I enjoy the break from work and I especially enjoy the extra time to spend with my family.

But I've caught myself longing for a different season.  Sometimes I'm anxious for fall.  I love the rich colors and flavors and scents of fall.  The weather is perfectly chilly.  Other times, I'm anxious for winter.  Because, spoiler alert, Christmas is my favorite.  I literally love everything about Christmas and the time surrounding it.  December 26th is the single most depressing day of the year.  

But I digress.

I spend my life wishing for a different season than the one I'm in.  And I think, maybe, we're all a little guilty of that.  Some may be in a wonderful and prosperous season in their lives right now.  Their hearts are so full, they can't contain their joy.  And if that is you, please embrace this season and enjoy every single bit of it.

But there are others, like me, who struggle to find the beauty in their place.  I know because I'm getting messages on Facebook and Twitter and in my email inbox telling me that I'm not the only one who struggles.  Telling me that there is a whole crew of people out there looking to Heaven and asking God what on earth He is up to.   

And because I am just like you, I know that we look around and realize we are nowhere near where we thought we would be.  We are nowhere near where we wanted to be.  And because of that, we spend our time wishing this season would just be over.  There's no beauty here, we say.  This is hard and it feels like dying and I want to be done.  

But God doesn't press fast forward, and although that frustrates me, I'm incredibly grateful for it.  I know this season is difficult.  I know the battle is hot and the struggle is real and we did not sign up for this.  But I also know that the same God who cares enough to walk with us through this crazy season will be the same God who will bring us out of it and into victory. 

I can't tell you why this tough stuff is necessary or why it has to last so long.  But I trust that my God is a God of purpose, and everything we're experiencing will be turned ultimately for our good.  

I'm wishing for a different season than the one I'm in, but I'm stuck here until the season changes according to God's wise will.  The rain is pouring outside and it's gloomy and this is not the summer I would choose at all.  Just like this is not the path I would have chosen for myself years ago.  

But after the rain stops and the sky clears, I'll still be here.  I'll still be standing.  And so will you.  So even if it's just to remind us how strong we are, this season holds purpose.  And God knows it.  

I close my eyes, listening to the soft music made by raindrops as they dance off of my roof, and I smile.     

This season is beautiful too.  

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