
New Season.

My heart sings a tune that is meant for only You.
With each breath I take, my being shouts Your praise.

And for everything You are and everything You've done...
All that You have created and destroyed.
My heart reaches for You from the very depths of my existence.

You are my love.
You are my reason.
You are my purpose.
And I am completely, totally, and willingly sold out to You.
Hi.  My name is Courtney and I'm slightly new to this whole blogging thing.
Bear with me as I learn it very slowly.  Most of these posts will probably be random.
And full of God. 
That's kind of who I am: random and full of God. 
Or at least, the second part is what I aspire to be.
But.  These are my thoughts, my feelings, and whatever else I feel the desire to share.
Let's see what God's got planned for all this, shall we?


  1. let the journey begin my dear sweet friend!

  2. I'm glad someone's excited about this! Hah.
